Willie Hobdy
Hello Ms. Curious …

… Let me satisfy your curiosity. My name is Willie, better known to most as “FilaWill”. I’m a physically fit 56-year-old, “G” gentleman, always moving with my head up and always with a positive vibe. Los Angeles is my birthplace (born & raised). Birthdate is February 16th, Aquarius. The world is my stomping ground. The things I enjoy are dining at nice restaurants, traveling, romantic evenings, reading, museums, amusement parks, zoos, comedy clubs, and car shows.

Please excuse my current condition of confinement and be mindful that all trials and tribulations are manifested in our lives to make us strong so we may lead by example from our experiences. We all deal with some form of imprisonment in our lifetime whether it be physically, mentally, or emotionally, but that should never inhibit our growth by defining who we are and what we can become. So despite my temporary circumstances I’m still very creative and capable of accomplishing many things!

So, what-it-do? I didn’t say I was perfect, but I will keep this “G” thang real by all means. I’m interested in meeting a mature woman who can relate to overcoming obstacles, great and small, through faith and determination, someone whose beauty goes beyond skin deep, and with a level of intelligence to look beyond problems and embrace solutions. All my life I’ve been a go-getter and a well-balanced person in all aspects. If you have a desire in your heart to meet a real “G” gentleman, I anticipate your response!

You can text me at 984-257-9528 or leave a message with your contact info in my message box below.

Personal Information

Sex: Male
Race: African American
D.O.B.: 2/16/1968
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 158 lbs.
Eye Color: Black
Hair Color: Bald
Convicted of: Bank Robbery & Jewelry Heist
Lenght of sentence: 30 years.
Incarceration date: 2006
Current release date: 8/2031

Please write to:
Willie Hobdy #68120-065
PO BOX 2000

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