Positive Energy Always Creates Elevation, and there are too many unfair situations to dwell on the losses; I rather focus on victories. Just being alive gives me enough pride to know that we are all here for a reason. Pardon the hubris. I am a man on a mission to justify my own existence, and in many ways I feel undefeated. Throughout my incarceration I have constructed new ambitions that have helped me grow into a more mature individual. Responsible and dependable remain some of the values I respect. I look down on no one, but hold trust as an official introduction. I have been held back for way too long. I write this with true intentions. Friendships are built on solid foundations, and I truly appreciate your time and interest. Just by you reading this makes me feel it was worth it. I enjoy writing in a fast world that seems to never slow down. This system is built on separation and duel tactics to achieve the same goals. For many, you can achieve what you believe in. I am for peace. Well, a lot more than that but before I take you deep, allow me to introduce myself.
My friends call me B.A. No, it doesn’t stand for Badass. SMH. It’s an abbreviation of an honorable attribute I once adopted. My legal name is Charles Irving Ellis. Mr. Ellis to you. JK. You can call me Charles of B.A., respectfully.
I am into progression: physically, mentally, etc. These walls haven’t stopped that – instead they taught me, and now the future is ours to rename. I am more than the circumstances I face. Far from perfect but properly prepared. Life is a journey, and as I grow closer to freedom I can smell another victory. That’s dope. The funny thing is, we’re just getting started.
I thank you for your time and your mind. Anything worth having is hard to receive. With all that being said, I look forward to hearing from you and wish you well on your own journey. My respect to you and yours.
Mr. Ellis