Jeremiah Manning

Have you ever had a moment in your live wishing for a true friend? This is my wish: to find someone I can talk to openly, about anything; someone willing to take the time in getting to know me: someone I can share my life’s story with. I was 19 when I was incarcerated, and after two decades it would be really nice to find true friendship. It is a rare quality in others to offer genuine friendship without any strings attached, and that’s what I’m offering – Genuine Friendship. If you do write me, you will learn that all this time has not made me bitter. In fact, I’m a fun loving, positive guy to know. I’ve spent these years improving the quality of my character and am self-educated.

I can imagine writing that first letter may feel a bit awkward, not being sure what to say, and that’s okay. I’m a simple person, easy to please, and am outgoing with a positive mindset. Just be yourself and know that I’m very open-minded, nonjudgmental, and willing to share my life’s story with you. My only wish is to find true friendship.

So tell me about yourself; where you’re from; what makes you happy; any hobbies or interests; your favorite color, music, movies, books, etc. Who knows, maybe you will find a nice distraction from your every-day life writing to me. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Take care.

Personal Information

Sex: Male
Race: African American
D.O.B.: 12/9/1980
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 305 lbs.
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Bald
Convicted of: 1st Degree Murder
Lenght of sentence: Death Row
Incarceration date: 12/18/2000
Current release date: N/A

Please write to:
Jeremiah Manning #410882
ANGOLA, LA 70712

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