Aaron Aguilera

I am a 45-year-old Mex/Italian from Modesto, California. I was arrested for crimes based on the testimony of lying informants. I’ve been fighting for my freedom ever since. I’ve got real action going home, with a paid attorney in the federal courts, continued sporadic appearances by the Innocence Project, and new exculpatory evidence currently being harvested.

As a bonafide innocent man, I can reasonably expect exoneration and release. On that day, I’d like a special lady to travel and enjoy the rest of my life with.

I am a published author, hold five degrees, and can appreciate and respect the intricacies of a beautiful mind. I have had my fill of sexy sociopaths and want a woman who knows how to show love and craves love, too! I want to find a woman I can hang up the gloves with, someone I can grow a meaningful relationship with. I’ve got a lot to offer, and I look forward to showing her how I can enrich her life. I love music, strength training, meditation, reading, writing, and learning.

I have a criminal past (the reason for the wrongful conviction); I learned my lesson and retired with honor YEARS before my arrest. I don’t despise my mistakes because those regrets have shaped the man I am today: a man of character. It’s said, ‘The wisest person in the room is the one who’s made the most mistakes.’ I made a decision long ago to live without regrets. Everything I do, every word I say, is always with my future self in mind. That way, it’s never, ‘I WISH I had done that’…instead, it’s always, ‘I’m GLAD I did that!’

This brings me here. I hope the future me is grateful I took this chance, including, and more importantly, the future you…

The best way to reach me is though GTL Getting Out App via text or video.

Personal Information

Sex: Male
Race: Mexican / Italian
D.O.B.: 1/4/1979
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 200 lbs.
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Convicted of: Murder
Lenght of sentence: Life Without Parole
Incarceration date: 6/2/2011
Current release date: N/A

Please write to:
Aaron Aguilera BA1150

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