Devaughn Johnson

I’m gonna keep this short & sweet. I’m sure you’re a very busy, beautiful woman, so I will not waste your time. I’m a 29-year-old Capricorn who’s looking to build an open friendship or maybe even more if God wills it? I’m very open-minded, humble, and believe respect is earned not given. I am 6 feet 1, physically fit with a defined physique. I’m Jamaican & Irish, 50/50. Dreadlocks down past my chest, and if you like tattoos you’re going to love me. I’m from Boston, Massachusetts, and love to make people laugh.

Add me to your contacts [Devaughn Johnson #W117037] to email me daily.

If you want a tall, caramel, handsome reason to smile, you’ve come to the right place. If I had to describe myself in five words or less, it would be “A Breath Of Fresh Air”. Now ask yourself, when’s the last time someone made you take a deep breath?

Personal Information

Sex: Male
Race: Mulatto
D.O.B.: 1/2/1995
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 190 lbs.
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Convicted of: Robbery
Lenght of sentence: 5-7 years
Incarceration date: 11/20/2020
Current release date: 2028

Please write to:
Devaughn Johnson W117037
PO BOX 8000

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