Kimothy Wynn

Are you missing a little something in your life? Then STOP!! No need to look any further because I’m open to becoming everything that you’ll ever need in a friend/man.

The fact that you’re reading this says that you’re open-minded and/or at least you realize that there are some good men who’ve made a mistake and are trapped behind these walls. I’m one of them. When it comes to women: weight, race, face, nor place doesn’t matter to me. I only require you to be open-minded, nonjudgmental, and mature (as I’m too grown for games).

If you think you check these boxes – then I’d like to hear from you and begin getting to know you. All you have to do is log on to, create an account, search for Washington State Department Of Corrections, (Prison) – Monroe Correctional Complex (MCC), then click on emessaging and search my DOC number #715733, add my name when it pops up, purchase some stamps and we will be able to email each other directly through Securus.

Satisfy your curiosity and help me to satisfy mine by writing me the old fashion way or emessaging me through Securus.

A new found friend,

Personal Information

Sex: Male
Race: Black
D.O.B.: 11/18/1977
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 225 lbs.
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Convicted of: 1st Degree Assault / Possession of Firearm
Lenght of sentence: 28 years
Incarceration date: 11/3/1999
Current release date: 8/2/2027

Please write to:
Kimothy Wynn #715733
PO BOX 888
MONROE, WA 98272

Or Send Message:
Click Here