Markus Harvell

My name is Markus, but everybody calls me Latif. I’m a dedicated, passionate, ambitious and creative person. I spend most of my time fighting for my freedom, working-out, and thinking about you. I enjoy laughing and having fun. I strive to make the best out of every situation. We only live this life once so it’s important to maximize each experience, and staying positive is key.

I’m looking for a good woman to correspond with. I often daydream of someone special coming into my life. I’m not trying to lock anybody down and have them doing this time with me. We all have enough problems and there’s no sense in adding someone else’s to our mix. I just want to kick it with someone cool who’s capable of holding a decent conversation.

I’ve always believed that a man with unrealistic expectations is prone to bypassing realistic opportunities, so I have no outrageous expectations with this. I don’t need to lie or be lied to. There’s always a woman trying to convince a dude that she can hold him down and be faithful while he does his time, but that’s an unrealistic expectation! I don’t even need all of that. I’m just trying to find a friend who will appreciate me for the man that I am, my mind and my spirit, and take it from there.

So hit me up, I’m looking forward to hearing from you.

Personal Information

Sex: Male
Race: African American
D.O.B.: 8/18/1978
Height: 6'
Weight: 210 lbs.
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Convicted of: Murder
Lenght of sentence: 50 years
Incarceration date: 8/11/2001
Current release date: 8/11/2051

Please write to:
Markus Harvell K03136
PO BOX 1700

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