Richard Faulks

Hello there :). Awesome you’re viewing this. How’s this day find you? Me, fair to midland. I’m housed in Ione, California, 30 minutes away from Sacramento. Am born again Christian. Seeking my forever person in an LTR/eventually matrimony. Enrolled in college. Parent of one adult daughter. In society, enjoy discovering new restaurants, beach BBQ’s, Cold Stone Creamery, deep appreciation for contemporary country & gospel, smooth jazz, folk, 90’s R&B, classical music. I enjoy formula-1, jazz festivals, farmers’ markets, badminton, softball, and working out X3 weekly.

Pursuing sentence reduction. Upon release goals are entrepreneurial. To create medical imaging service. And obtain bachelor’s degree, learning Mandarin language, travels in India.

Note: I’m far more than the sum of my weakest or worse life moments. Every saint has a past. And sinner a future. I’ve practiced radical acceptance of my self/character defects. Changed my attitude, morals, behaviors & overall character over the years of daily hard work. LOVE, family, church, community are what’s important in life.

Seeking intelligent, transparent, honest, w/adventurous spirit, willing to find value in me, family values, meaningful communications, visiting. Welcoming your contacts. OR, or creating direct texting account on with Richard Faulks #J87236 at Mule Creek State prison. Welcome:), welcome:), welcome:). Awaiting!

Personal Information

Sex: Male
Race: African American
D.O.B.: 8/21/1970
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 260 lbs.
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Convicted of: Homicide
Lenght of sentence: Life
Incarceration date: 6/1996
Current release date: N/A

Please write to:
Richard Faulks J87236
MCSP/MCIC - D16 - B201 - 1L
PO BOX 409089
IONE, CA 95640

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